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Welcome to the Muses FUNdation!!!

Thank you kindly (one and all) for stopping by. At present The Muses FUNdation site is a platform, which showcases the art work(s), interest, involvement, and activities of Artist Veronica Pantoja.

Through out her career Veronica’s organic process has allowed her to appropriate various techniques that enable her expression and vision to take form. Here at The Muses FUNdation you will find examples of those various expressions videos: paintings, writing, and other stuff.

In regards to her paintings Veronica’s work focuses primarily on the process, one that explores both intellect and practical forms. Magically she finds the technique and style that suits the work at hand. Art is never made entirely of intellect, but when an intellect like Veronica’s meets vision and color, magic happens, and it’s fun. Prescribed forms or styles are not present in her work, but brilliance of color, subject matter and sheer energy is the guiding principle in her pieces.

Themes spill out of the work, a cascade of mythic impulse and reference; it is joyous and muted, meditative and alive. Her paintings tell stories, find homes in viewer’s lives and minds, interact with each other and seem to have lives of their own.

Please ENJOY!

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